Family Story Time
Williams LakeJoin us from 10:30 - 11:00 am in the library programme room for stories, songs, rhymes and puppets. Come prepared to listen, laugh and play with your children! Free, drop-in […]
Family Fort Night
Williams LakeJoin us from 5:30 - 7:00 pm in the library after hours for dinner (pizza), reading, and fort building! Free, registration-required* programme for children aged 0-12 and their caregivers.
Pre-K Storytime
100 Mile House10:15am: Enjoy a couple of stories with us! This programme includes book readings and may include songs, dancing, stretching, or an activity. Meet in the children's area for daily Storytime.
Pre-K Storytime
100 Mile House10:15am: Enjoy a couple of stories with us! This programme includes book readings and may include songs, dancing, stretching, or an activity. Meet in the children's area for daily Storytime.
Coffee and Kids
100 Mile House11am: Parents, join us for coffee and a chat while your babies and young children play games. A featured parenting book handout with activities will be provided and the last […]
Quesnel Craft Club
QuesnelEvery Thursday in the Quesnel Library from 1 - 3 pm crafty folks in the community gather to help each other with projects, share ideas, and make progress on that […]