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Event Series Decorate Our Tree!

Decorate Our Tree!


Creative kids needed! Stop in at the Quesnel Library and pick up a blank ornament to take home and decorate. Bring it back to the library starting Tuesday December 3rd […]

Event Series Pre-K Storytime

Pre-K Storytime

100 Mile House

10:15am: Enjoy a couple of stories with us! This programme includes book readings and may include songs, dancing, stretching, or an activity. Meet in the children's area for daily Storytime. 

Event Series Coffee and Kids

Coffee and Kids

100 Mile House

11am: Parents, join us for coffee and a chat while your babies and young children play games. A featured parenting book handout with activities will be provided and the last […]

Hooks & Books

100 Mile House

Enjoy a Book Talk Presentation while you work on your knitting and crochet projects.  Coffee and chit chat will also be an integral part of this event. All levels welcome […]

Adult Christmas Tree Paper Folding Class


Join us for our FREE “Adult Christmas Tree Paper Folding” class on Wednesday December 11th from 2 pm - 4 pm. Registration is required. Register in-person at the Quesnel Library […]

Event Series Kid Konnect

Kid Konnect

100 Mile House

3:30-4:30pm: Kids, let's konnect with some board games! Hands on group games are lead with an adult to practice problem solving and leadership skills. Drop-in on the fun, no registration […]

Event Series Babytime

Baby Time

Williams Lake

Stories, rhymes, bounces, songs and social bonding for babies and their caregivers. Join Darren in the Programme room from 10:30-11:00 am Thursday mornings at the library! Free, drop-in programme. No registration required.  

Event Series Quesnel Craft Club

Quesnel Craft Club


Every Thursday in the Quesnel Library from 1 - 3 pm crafty folks in the community gather to help each other with projects, share ideas, and make progress on that sweater that never seems to get any bigger. Free, drop in, and no registration required.

Event Series Lego Club


Williams Lake

Do you love LEGO? Visit the library Programme room from 3:30-4:30 pm for 1 hour of free build using our large LEGO and Duplo collections. For ages 2-12 and their caregivers. Free, drop-in programme. No registration required.
